GMC-HQ update

March 2017 see’s our steel & Building Contractor Thorburns finish the construction of the buildings and they new await windows. The building has been fabricated using British TATA steel and high performance Kingspan cladding.
GMC Ground crew have been on site during the super structure construction working on surface water & foul drainage as well as service routes, new roads and preparing the main yard for tarmac works.
Design & planning have started on the joinery machinery equipment for our new state of the art timber frame manufacturing facility. This run along side our general joinery facility for staircases & other products.
The building is to be heated by Air Source Heat Pump primaraly powered by Solar PV hooked up with the latest technology from Tesla for continus supply of energy.
See the progress on the photos below:
Site Stripped:
Sub-base working area – setting out foundations
Portal Frame
Drainage routes & services before floor sub-base
Cladding works to main building
Main building Cladding works complete & new road entrance established.
Manufactuing facility
New yard area at HQ
Indoor area
GMC Plant on site
To be continued………………………………………..09-03-17