New plant at GMC

Today we have taken delivery from Scott-JCB a new Teleporter 540-140.

Shortly after this photo was taken all three machines separated to different jobs, where they will be put straight to work on various contracts over the next few months.

We have added this to our existing plant fleet which now looks like:

JCB 540-140

JCB 535-95


Euro Cargo 7.5T wagon

Mitshibushi L200 

Ford Transit Custom

This new machine gives us a maximum lifting height of 14m (45ft) and increaased lifting capacity of 4 Ton. Providing us with a highly versitile fleet. we have also added a lifting basket and JCB truss-master hoist to the available equipment.

GMC have used JCB plant the early 1988 the machines are British built and owned by British Family the Bamford’s. The Quality and accuracy of the machines are unrivaled for our construction requirements.