Town House Refurbishment – May 2011

Procurement – Competitive tender
Recommended by a third party, GMC were asked to tender of the re-building of 2-chimney stacks in the town center. Upon winning the contract GMC carried out the tricky task of dismantling the 2 chimneystacks in poor condition.
This work was carried out over a busy public footpath, so public safety was of paramount importance during the works. The use of a full-netted scaffold with extra toe boards and rubbish shoots into a skip were used.
All this work was carried out whilst the customer was in London, GMC kept the customer informed on important stages of the works and e-mailed pictures of the proposed brick to be used on the new chimney stacks, including a data document with information on the brick for the customer to input on brick choice.
With the outer fabric of the building weather tight GMC can now begin work on the inside, with rising damp throughout and located areas infected with dry rot. GMC were able to provide the customer with a specification to rectify these problems. Being a Sovereign approved contractor, GMC are able to call Sovereign experts into any job to provide full technical report on the building and which products best address the problems, this included GMC sending off samples for laboratory testing to identify certain types of rots and fungus so the correct chemicals are used to rectify the problem.
With this property being in a terrace, party wall act would be required by the customer to inject the walls due to the drilling. With this in mind GMC decided to tank the walls, so the customer can avoid this cost.
GMC have started the process of removing damp render up to 1 meter around the walls of the property. With the existing render plaster containing salts moisture from the ground is soaked up resulting in damp problems throughout the ground floor. With Sovereign render light there is no salt within the compound to soak up moisture.
GMC are committed to all customers at finding the best solutions to their building needs.